
This Blog is intended to share ideas for the incorporation of technology in the classroom.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Module 6-How to create your online course

How to Create Your Own Online Course: 100 Tools, Guides, and Resources
This site is by far one of the best sites I have found online. It offers a great list of resources including learning management systems, guidelines to create online courses for educators, how to use videos and literature to understand how to best learn in an online course from students’ perspectives. I found this site very helpful because it expands on the use of technology tools that we have become familiar with over the course of this program. For those of you who have been considering Second Life as a teaching tool, there is information for you as well. This link is a keeper!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Module 5 Blog-Selecting Tools for Online Communities

In my search for applications that support online learning I encountered Selecting Tools for Online Communities:
Suggestions for Learning Technologists
. I found this article easy to read while very informative. It provides a way to consider all the necessary steps in order to create an online learning community as it compares it to building a neighborhood. Adams and Freman (2003) list questions that one must consider before embarking in such task, from something as fundamental as the reason to form a community to the need to meet physically, required participation and whether or not online interactions should be recorded. In addition, the article contains a list of technology tools that would support the community.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Module 4- Assessing Faculty’s Social Presence

Assessing Faculty’s Social Presence indicators in Online Courses at the Inter American University of Puerto Rico, Bayamón Campus. “Social Presence appears to contribute to student satisfaction with the online learning experience. Specifically, it contributes to student motivation, to enhance online learning environment, and has been associated to retention and completion of online courses.” (Serrano Núñez (2005)

As a student who has participated in online programs, I have encountered situations in which I felt my social presence was not an important factor in the course. This made me feel unmotivated making the course more of a task than a positive learning experience. As an educator who values technology, I recognize the indefinite benefits of technology in education, I want to take ownership and learn as much as I can about how to best create a pleasant, engaging and challenging online community for my students. Reading Serrano Nuñez case study validated my intuition that a lot of the responsibility lies on the professor in regards to social presence in an online environment.
According to Serrano Núñez online faculty social presence is a key motivating factors for students to complete online courses. In her study she concentrated on categorizing educators’ social presence into two indicators; affective and cohesive. The affective factors include emotion and humor while the cohesive refers to the inclusive communication that serves as a social function. Her results stated that 50% of the professors used affective strategies, while 75% used cohesive strategies. This means that only half of the professors demonstrated a “real life” presence online while others simply communicated course related material without emotion. After considering this case study and my personal experiences, I would have to agree that this disparity in performance, as it relates to social presence, is related to the lack of training needed for computer mediated communication.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Module 3 Evaluating the Impact of a PLC

As I read Martin-Kniep’s (2008) Evaluating the Growth and Expertise of community Members (p. 133-154), I begun to think about the outcomes that a Professional Learning Community (PLCA) can experience and how to measure those outcomes. Martin-Kniep provides several documents that can be used to measure growth and disposition. However, even though these documents are valuable and can serve as great tools; I am most interested in reading or hearing from real teachers about how PLC has changed their practice. Therefore, I begun to search for available resources that would have some of these components and I found All Things PLC . This is a site devoted to provide tools for the implementation of PLCs . It includes Blogs, literature resources, community locators as well as videos. All available for teachers to download. In fact, they encourage teachers to share them.

In this video, Resources and Leadership, we can observe a conversation among educators who are discussing the conditions they have encountered while implementing a PLC at their schools. Some of the common concerns educators have include: time and money. However, according to Dennis Sparks, these are not the real obstacles. Sparks states that the most significant drawback is the “habit of mind and behavior” and that the crucial point in any PLC is having the courage to begin a new course of action that has not been started before. Once the process has started, schools can see positive results within one year. As Richard DuFour affirms “the will to Act is the fundamental pre-requisite”.

Texas Educators Reflect on Their PLC Journey Middle/Secondary Teachers, includes a PLC panel discussion among intermediate and high school teachers while they are collaborating and sharing the benefits of PLC on their students’ achievement. These teachers consider their reflections, their goals and practices while working in partnership; and question their motives to teach how they do and why they hold the teaching philosophy they have. In addition, they share the changes they have made to their teaching practices and express the benefits of having a common time to collaborate.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Caribbean and Spanish Class

As I continued to look for Blogs and ideas, I also encountered this Blog containing valuable information, pictures and current news about the Caribbean which I plan to use in my Spanish classes. I believe it will provide an authentic learning experience.

Blogging within a Professional Learning Community

In my search for ways to incorporate technology, I have encountered several Blogs written by educators that were thought provoking. The following Blog challenges us to consider blogging as a community learning tool. In fact, this site includes Blogs and comments from educators who are considering the same question. While some think that the fact that teachers do not Blog is due to the lack of support or understanding from their administrators, others feel they are not prepared to contribute in writing to a public audience. Regardless of the reason, I have chosen to share this link because I feel that before we embark on the incorporation of technology in the classroom we should re-examine our motives for doing so. Is it a matter of personal comfort level or resistance toward change?
Personally, I am finding that the benefits for collaboration surpass any old habits we may have and I can only wonder about the hidden benefits of blogging in students’ intellectual development.

Friday, January 22, 2010

The journey

As educators we seem bombarded with questions about our practice. The more we reflect, the more we realize that there is room for improvement. In this technological era the topic of incorporating technology often comes to mind. Having tried various forms of media and technology in the classroom has afforded me the opportunity to observe the benefits of technology when used for the right reasons. It is not sufficient to replace how we do things but take into consideration a final outcome. Why incorporate technology? What do I expect to obtain from it? What changes do I expect to see in student academic achievement? How will this technology transfer into real life applications in my students’ lives? These are some of the questions I post myself. By creating this blog I hope to find ways to share my findings and collaborate with others that are as passionate about finding new ways to provide and improve students’ learning experiences. For a list of sites that I have incorporated and that have worked well in my Spanish classes visit the Delicious link.