
This Blog is intended to share ideas for the incorporation of technology in the classroom.

Friday, January 22, 2010

The journey

As educators we seem bombarded with questions about our practice. The more we reflect, the more we realize that there is room for improvement. In this technological era the topic of incorporating technology often comes to mind. Having tried various forms of media and technology in the classroom has afforded me the opportunity to observe the benefits of technology when used for the right reasons. It is not sufficient to replace how we do things but take into consideration a final outcome. Why incorporate technology? What do I expect to obtain from it? What changes do I expect to see in student academic achievement? How will this technology transfer into real life applications in my students’ lives? These are some of the questions I post myself. By creating this blog I hope to find ways to share my findings and collaborate with others that are as passionate about finding new ways to provide and improve students’ learning experiences. For a list of sites that I have incorporated and that have worked well in my Spanish classes visit the Delicious link.


  1. Glorianne this is a great blog page. Nice job! I find that by being in these classes I have more questions than answers. I'm learning so much about all this technology, but now comes the idea of how to properly incorporated it in my classroom. Keep sharing all of this great information with the rest of us who are looking for the answers to all the questions. :)

  2. Congratulations Glorianne on setting up your blog! This is an example of a comment posted to a blog post. I’ve added a link to your blog on mine at http://jrhode.wordpress.com as well as subscribed to your blog in my Google Reader account and I encourage you to do the same. Let me know if you have any questions as you get started blogging. Enjoy! ~ Dr. J
